Testing Center

Exams Offer
- Accuplacer - Placement Exam for English, Math, and Reading
- ASE - Automotive Service Excellence exam
- LSLBC - Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors exam
- TEAS - Test of Essential Academic Skills (students applying for nursing school)
- Praxis - Individuals entering the teaching profession as part of the certification process
- NHA - National Allied Health Certifications
- HiSET - High school equivalency credential.
- WorkKeys - A system of assessments that build and measure essential workplace skills that can increase opportunities for career changes and advancement. For more information about WorkKeys, click here.
- Proctored Exams - Louisiana Delta Community College testing center offers a secure testing environment for distance learners needing proctored exams.
ACCUPLACER is a suite of untimed computerized placement tests that quickly, accurately, and efficiently assesses English, writing, and math skills. These scores are used to guide the student to take certain classes that will assist them in preparing for future academic requirements. Applicants may retest as often as they would like up to the end of the add/drop date of each semester (does not apply to students in the Practical Nursing program).
Testing Accomodations (ADA)
If you require an accommodation for any of our testing services, complete this form in advance.
Contact Us
Chief Testing Administrator
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