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Mark Perna's Inspiring Presentation: LDCC Community College Week
Louisiana Delta Community College is celebrating Community College Week with an incredible event! On April 9th at 1:00 P.M., best-selling author and nationally renowned speaker Mark C. Perna will be presenting an inspiring and informative talk, titled “Unleashing Passion, Purpose, and Performance in Younger Generations.” We want to invite the community-at-large to register and join us for this unforgettable presentation happening at LDCC Monroe, 7500 Millhaven Rd, at the ATC Community Auditorium. Register here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=_Jh223pqf06h4jUWt6sE3WYsb5NzM29KkiJateR92LtUNzJNTlJDQlNWMzY1RTQ3TlpPWlQxR1k5SCQlQCN0PWcu&wdLOR=c9ACBF86B-2B92-4DDB-AF92-BB76E7301133
For additional information, please feel free to contact contact Matthew Nappier at (318) 345-9042 or matthewnappier@LaDelta.edu.
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