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Environmental Technician Program

Course: HS7001

Course Description: The Environmental Technician Program has been developed to address the standards in infectious disease management by frontline sanitation workers.  Instructor information has been gained through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and various other healthcare industry resources.  By design, the Environmental Technician Certificate (ETC) will provide learners with a survey of HIPPA, communication, organization structure, infectious disease, infection prevention, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and OSHA standards.  At the end of the course, students should be equipped to handle current and future health crises in facility sanitation.  The course will be offered in a hybrid learning model, with preliminary classwork and instruction provided through virtual and recorded lectures, online modules and, if necessary, in-person testing, discussion and lab time.

Location: Online
Dates: Contact Instructor for Dates
Cost: $1,200.00


Anna Claire Carter

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