Student Tuition Statements (1098-T)
In previous years, your 1098-T included a figure in Box 2 that represented the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) we billed to your student account for the calendar (tax) year. Due to a change to institutional reporting requirements under federal law, beginning with tax year 2018, we will report in Box 1 the amount of QTRE you paid during the year.
Depending on your income (or your family’s income, if you are a dependent), whether you were considered full or half-time enrolled, and the amount of your qualified educational expenses for the year, you may be eligible for a federal education tax credit
LDCC is unable to provide you with individual tax advice, but should you have questions, you should seek the counsel of an informed tax preparer or adviser.
For more information about Form 1098-T, see the FAQs below or visit the IRS website.
1098-T Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why did I receive a 1098-T and what am I supposed to do with it?
- In January of each year, Louisiana Delta Community College mails an IRS Form 1098T to all students who made payments of qualified tuition and other related educational expenses in the previous year. This form is informational only and should not be considered as tax opinion or advice. It serves to alert students that they may be eligible for federal income tax education credits. Receipt of Form 1098T does not indicate eligibility for the tax credit. To determine the amount of qualified tuition and fees paid, and the amount of scholarships and grants received, a taxpayer should use their own financial records. *NOTE: It is up to each taxpayer to determine eligibility for the credits and how to calculate them.
I did not receive a 1098T form. Why?
- Louisiana Delta Community College was not required to send you a form.
- LDCC is only required to send 1098T forms to students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are greater than the students’ scholarships, grants and waivers (Please refer to IRS Instructions for Forms 1098E and 1098T page 2 under exceptions).
- The address LDCC has on record is not your current address.
- Your 1098T is available online through your LoLA account. Please see Question 9 for information on receiving a duplicate 1098T.
- Students will also be required to update their address through LoLA.
- You do not have a valid social security number or are a non-resident alien.
- If you do not have a valid social security number or are a non-resident alien, a 1098T may not have been issued.
I lost my 1098T form. How do I get another?
- 1098T forms are also accessible online through your LoLA account. To retrieve your copy in LoLA click on the Student tab. Select Student Account and then Select Tax Year. Once the tax year in entered, click Submit and Tax Notification. From this screen you can view your Form 1098T and the supplemental information provided.
Whom do I contact if the Social Security Number on my Form 1098T is missing or incorrect?
- To update your SSN, please contact Louisiana Delta Community College Registrar’s Office.
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