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Responding to Student Misconduct

Guidelines for Faculty and Staff

Code of Student Conduct

Tips for Preventing Misconduct in the Classroom

  • Just as instructors determine academic standards and evaluate student performance according to those standards, it is recommended that instructors determine social conduct standards for their classroom (no chatting in class, reading newspapers, sleeping, using cell phones, etc.). For courses with online components, it is recommended that expectations regarding electronic communications be included.
  • It is recommended that instructors provide specific information in the syllabus regarding classroom expectations in addition to a reference to the Code of Student Conduct. This not only sends a message to potentially disruptive students but also communicates to all other students that the instructor will ensure a classroom environment free from disruption.

Recommendations for Responding to Misconduct in the Classroom

(Progressive discipline to ensure compliance with due process requirements.)

Step 1:

  • Provide an oral warning to students at the time that inappropriate behavior occurs.
  • Consider reminding the entire class regarding expectations.

If the oral warning does not remedy the situation and the inappropriate behaviors continues:

Step 2:

  • Talk to the student individually after class or ask them to schedule a meeting for a later time. If it is not possible to talk with the student individually prior to the next class period, contact the student by phone, email, or letter.
  • During the discussion with the student, clarify the expectations for classroom conduct and seek the student’s cooperation in meeting those expectations. Provide a written warning because of the student’s failure to correct the behavior following the oral warning. Provide a copy of the written warning to the student. Indicate in the written warning that further incidents may result in the student being asked to leave class for the day and that if such response is necessary, a report will also be submitted to the Dean of Student Success Services or Campus Director for further disciplinary action.
  • In addition to the written warning, document all other information relevant to the student’s misconduct.
  • Provide a copy of the written warning and other documentation to the Division Chair.

Note: Step 1 and 2 may both occur during a single class period if a student fails to correct their behavior after being warned by the instructor.

If the written warning does not remedy the situation and the inappropriate behavior continues:

Step 3:

  • If the behavior persist beyond the written warning or is so disruptive that immediate action is necessary, ask the student to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. If the student refuses to leave the class, call LDCC Campus Police at 345-9105. If necessary, temporarily adjourn the class and ask another student to call LDCC Campus Police.
  • Contact the Division Chair and the Dean of Student Success Services or Campus Director immediately to discuss the situation.
  • Document all relevant information.
  • Provide a copy of the documentation to the Division Chair and to the Dean of Student Success Services or Campus Director along with the Behavioral Incident Report.

Note: Instructors may direct a disruptive student to leave for the remainder of the class period. Longer suspensions or involuntary withdrawals require further disciplinary action through the student disciplinary process and the Dean of Student Success Services. Instructor documentation of the sequential events, adequate warnings, and actions are critical.

Step 4:

  • Upon receipt of the Behavioral Incident Report, the Dean of Student Success Services or Campus Director will investigate the student’s violation of the Code of Student Conduct and take appropriate action according to the Disciplinary Procedures outlined in the College Catalog or Student Handbook.
  • The investigation may include review by the Behavioral Intervention Team, consultation with the student, faculty member, and the Division Chair. The faculty member and Division Chair will be informed of the results of the investigation.
  • If disciplinary action is to be taken, a student has the right to a formal hearing on the charges and actions. If a student request a formal hearing by the Disciplinary Hearing Panel, the faculty member maybe be called upon to provide a statement of the events.

Meeting with an Angry or Potentially Threatening Student

Instructors should not meet alone with a student who may be a threat to their personal safety. Instead of asking to meet after class, instructors should schedule a specific appointment so that they have time to prepare for the meeting. Instructors should call a member of the Behavioral Intervention Team for consultation prior to the meeting. They should also alert and confer with their Division Chair and/ or colleagues of when the student will be meeting with them and ask one of them to either be on standby or to join in the meeting.

A Note on Due Process

To be in compliance with a student’s right to due process regarding disciplinary actions, it is important that the College:

  1. Provide a warning describing the nature of the misconduct including information on what section of the Code of Student Conduct the student has violated;
  2. Provide the student a reasonable opportunity to correct the behavior; and
  3. Provide a procedure to appeal the assessment of the conduct and any disciplinary actions taken.

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