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Student Clubs and Organizations

Membership in a student organization or club is a great way to learn new skills, build friendships, gain unique opportunities and contribute to the community. LDCC encourages students to enrich their academic experience by becoming involved in campus organizations and activities.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The SGA is the voice of every student at LDCC. The mission of the SGA is to advocate for students issues that will enhance the educational, social, and professional development of LDCC students. Incoming freshmen students are encouraged to apply for freshmen senator positions. For more information about SGA or other LDCC Clubs and Organizations, contact Alvina C. Thomas, Dean of Student Success Services/Title IX Coordinator at 345-9145. 

Bass Fishing Club

The purpose of the Louisiana Delta Bass Fishing Club is to provide students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to participate in competitive fishing. The LDBFC allows students to compete in fishing tournaments and service activities that benefit the local community.

You must be enrolled at one of our LDCC campuses.
You must own or have access to a boat and fishing equipment.
Must be able to tow or have someone tow the boat to competitions.
Fishing Teams are made up of two participants.  
College can assist with funding travel from the fishing club account or SGA
Jerseys & caps will be provided through the fishing club account, but we suggest students have fundraisers or have organizations donate to their club. 
If you are interested, please contact Whitni Smith at

Behavioral and Social Science Organization (BSSO)

BSSO works to expand knowledge in Criminal Justice, History, Psychology, and Sociology and helps to develop leadership skills through participation in student-led service activities. For more information, contact Carla Mercy at 318-345-9214.

Delta Christian Fellowship (DCF)

DCF is an organization composed of students and faculty whose purpose is to grow in their love of God, God's word, and God's people of all ethnicities and culture. For more information, contact Johnny Norman at 318-345-9049 or

Delta Early Childhood Organization (DECO)

DECO is an organization that promotes the education and welfare of young children and their families while providing professional development for students interested in early childhood education. For more information, contact Sandee Clawson at 318-345-9159.

Fine Arts Organization: Cultural Understanding and Services (FOCUS)

FOCUS provides a forum for fine arts students to plan and participate in activities that are pertinent to their profession and interests in fine arts. Student are encouraged to participate in all art events. For more information, contact Stacy Medaries at 318-345-9234.

Delta Science Club (SciQuest)

SciQuest exposes students to the diversity of science disciplines and perpetuates within its members a desire to learn, explore, inquire, experiment, and develop leadership skills. Camaraderie among members is enhanced through a variety of field trips, activities, and guest speakers. For more information, contact Tiffany Green at 318-345-9178 or Frank Boone at 318-345-9189.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Phi Theta Kappa recognizes and encourages scholarship among two-year college students. Opportunities are provided for the development of leadership and service in an intellectual climate that encourages the exchange of ideas, lively fellowship among scholars, and promotes academic excellence. For more information, contact Ryan Pierce at 318-345-9223.

LDCC Student Nursing Association (SNA)

SNA promotes and encourages participation in community affairs and activities towards improved health care and resolving related social issues. SNA facilitates the professional development of future nurses by providing educational resources, leadership opportunities, and career guidance. For more information, contact Vicki Anderson at 318-345-9166.

National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)

NTHS recognizes student achievement and leadership, promotes educational excellence, and enhances career opportunities for students who excel in one of the career and technical education fields. Interested students may contact the Coordinator of Student Affairs on their respective campuses for more information or contact Mr. Abdol Saleh at 318-397-6196.

The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)

Sigma Alpha Pi

NSLS is the largest collegiate leadership honor society in the United States. Students are selected by the College for membership based on their academic standing and leadership potential. The Society provides a step-by-step program for members to build leadership skills through participation on their campus or online. For more information, contact Christopher Brown at 318-345-9146.

Anime Club

The Anime Club is an organization that meets to discuss, show, and promote anime in a local community setting while broadening Japanese cultural understanding. For more information, contact Julie Salter at 318-345-9151 or Scott Higginbotham at 318-345-9232.

Knights Esports Club

LDCC has opened a brand new Esports Center on the Monroe Campus! Join in the fun by contacting Officer Dennis Aswell by calling 318-345-9300 or emailing . 

Student Clubs and Organizations Forms:

SSS - Activity Request Form revised 101117
SS - 2024 - Clubs and Organizations Fundraiser Request Form 1214
SS - 2024 - Clubs and Organizations Fundraiser Report Form 1214

Hazing Information:

All members and advisors of LDCC clubs or organizations are required to complete the online hazing prevention training as mandated and in accordance LDCC Policy SS_007.0 and Louisiana Revised Statute 17.1801. All members and advisors of LDCC clubs and organizations shall complete annually at least one hour of hazing prevention educational training. This course will be available on CANVAS.

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