MJ Foster Promise Program
What is the MJ Foster Promise Program?
The M.J. Foster Promise Program is named after the former Louisiana Governor Mike J. Foster. The program provides financial assistance to eligible students who enroll in a qualified program at a two-year public college or university, or an accredited proprietary school licensed by the Board of Regents to pursue an associate degree, or a shorter-term postsecondary education credential required for certain high-demand, high-wage occupations aligned with Louisiana’s workforce priorities.
The M.J. Foster Promise Program is available to all eligible Louisiana residents (20 years or older) with individual student awards available based on eligibility and enrollment. Students will qualify for financial support to earn credentials that align with high-demand jobs in growing industry sectors, such as construction, healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, and transportation and logistics.
Eligibility Requirements
You must:
- Meet a family income that does not exceed 300% of the Federal Poverty Level or be unemployed or underemployed for six months prior to receiving the grant. To view the most updated poverty thresholds, visit the U.S. ASPE webpage for more information.
- Be in a qualified program of study. Please see below for the list.
- Be at least 20 years of age as of the date the student completes the M.J. Foster Promise application.
- Have earned a high school diploma or equivalent or co-enroll in a qualified program of study and in a program to earn a high school credential.
- Have not previously earned an undergraduate degree at the associate level or above.
- Be a Louisiana resident and U.S. Citizen.
- Complete the M.J. Foster Promise application.
- Complete the FAFSA for the academic year in which you will be enrolled.
- Commit to reside in Louisiana one year after completion and to perform 20 hours of community service, an internship, or a mentorship annually to maintain the award.
Incarcerated individuals and those convicted of any violent crime as defined in RS 14:2 are prohibited from receiving M.J. Foster Promise funds.
For a complete list of requirements, please visit LOSFA.
Award Amount
The M.J. Foster Promise Program will cover the cost of tuition, required fees, and mandatory books and supplies after all other sources of aid have been applied (excluding student loans, federal work-study, and WIOA funds).
The award amount of $3,200 per award year or $1,600 per semester is for a student enrolled full-time. Students can receive a maximum of $6,400 over a period of 3 years. A student may receive the maximum award amount of $6,400 in one year for certain high-cost programs. Students can use the M.J. Foster Promise Award beginning July 1 through the following June 30.
Contact LOSFA staff at MJFoster.Promise@la.gov or Financial Aid staff at FinancialAid@ladelta.edu for more information.
Eligible Programs
Please click here to see full list of programs.
Workforce Programs
- Certified Manufacturing Generalist
- Heavy Equipment Operator Level 1
- Heavy Equipment Operator Level 2
- Trenchless Utility Installation Training
- Certified Clinical Medical Assistant
- Certified Nursing Assistant
- Electronic Health Records
- Medical Billing and Coding
- Phlebotomy
To Maintain Eligibility
- Complete the FAFSA for the currently enrolled year.
- Complete an MJ Foster application annually.
- Make steady academic progress, remain in good standing, and maintain continuous enrollment.
- Maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
For a full list of requirements, please visit LOSFA.
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