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Industrial Instrumentation Technology

CIP Code - 150404

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AAS Industrial Instrumentation Technology 
TD Industrial Instrumentation Technology


The mission of the Associate of Applied Science in Industrial Instrumentation Technology is to provide the students with entry-level skills in the instrumentation craft and related career fields, and to provide entry-level instrument technicians that will meet Louisiana’s industrial needs.

Program Description

The Associate of Applied Science in Industrial Instrumentation Technology prepares individuals to install, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair various types of measuring and control instruments and peripherals, such as measuring, transmitting, indicating, recording, and controlling devices, final elements, optical instruments and control systems. Specialized classroom instruction will be provided along with practical shop experience in the areas of electronics, motor controls, and different types of measuring systems.  Students may be granted a Technical Diploma upon satisfactory completion of the diploma curriculum. Certificates are also offered.

Students transferring into the program must take a minimum of 12 hours of technical coursework at Louisiana Delta Community College to be eligible to graduate with an Associate’s Degree in Industrial Instrumentation.

ATMAE Accredited
ATMAE Student Performance and Achievement Information

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Louisiana Delta Community College Industrial Instrumentation Technology program will be able to:

  • Identify the technical terms and nomenclature used in industrial Measurement and industrial process control.
  • Identify and demonstrate the ability to apply basic principles of electricity and electronics.
  • Identify the principles of industrial processes, process measurement, and process control.
  • Identify and demonstrate technical ability and skills in the calibration and use of equipment used in Industrial-process measurement and control.
  • Demonstrate appropriate safety practices used in the measurement and control of industrial processes.
  • Demonstrate skills in troubleshooting problems with measurement devices, process controls, and industrial processes.
  • Demonstrate basic occupational and employability skills.
  • Identify process controls, control loops, and control strategies.

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