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What is the Q.E.P.?

The Quality Enhancement Plan is required by SACSCOC Core Requirement 2.12.

  • Identify key issue for institutional improvement
  • Focus on learning outcomes
  • Demonstrates institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and institutional constituencies in the development and implementation of the Q.E.P.

Why is the Q.E.P. Important? 

The Q.E.P. is the component of the SACSCOC accreditation process that reflects and affirms the commitment of the Commission on Colleges to the enhancement of the quality of education and to the proposition that student learning is at the heart of the mission of higher learning. More information.

Louisiana Delta Community College has developed a Q.E.P. as part of our SACS reaffirmation process. This is an opportunity to enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue the institution considers important to improving student learning.

Louisiana Delta Community College Q.E.P. topic is improving Developmental Math Completion and Retention.

How did LDCC Develop its Q.E.P. Topic?

Identification of the Q.E.P. topic began in 2011 with formal broad-based gatherings where the College sought input from constituents concerning issues related to student learning, Community members, students, and faculty were surveyed.


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