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Final Grade Appeal

All academic appeals related to final grades received in courses must be initiated within seven (7) calendar days from the end of term date for the course within the semester.  Failure to appeal within the seven (7) calendar day period will result in the waiver of the student’s rights to appeal the grade.

Conditions for Appealing a Final Grade

Only final grades in a course may be appealed. Final grades may only be appealed if at least one (1) of the following conditions exist:

  • The instructor departed substantially from his/her previously articulated written standards, without notifying students, in determining the grade
  • The instructor has imposed criteria different from those used to evaluate the academic work of other students in the class as outlined in the course syllabus
  • The instructor has demanded as a condition of passing a course a requirement not germane to the subject matter of the course
  • The instructor has made a calculation error and the student has tangible evidence to support the claim that an error was made

Burden of Proof

The grade assigned by the instructor is assumed to be correct and the student appealing the grade must justify the need for a change of the grade assigned.

Procedures for Appealing a Final Grade

***Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) students must begin at Step 2 below***

  1. The grade appeal begins with the student submitting, in writing, an appeal to the faculty member. If the faculty member agrees that a course grade change is warranted, the faculty member will complete a “Grade Change Form”, obtain the written signature of his/her division chair/program director, and forward the form to the Registrar with a copy to the Division Chair/Program Director. If the faculty member does not agree to the grade change, his/her written response to the student must explain why the appeal is being denied. Email will suffice as written correspondence.
  2. If the faculty member denies the appeal or does not respond to the appeal within five (5) calendar days, the student may appeal to the Division Chair/Program Director. Appeals to the Division Chair/Program Director must be made using the “Grade Appeal to the Division Chair/Program Director Form” and must be submitted within fifteen (15) calendar days of the final grade assignment. Division Chairs/Program Directors may meet with the student and/or faculty member. Division Chairs/Program Directors must respond, in writing, to student grade appeals within ten (10) calendar days of receipt. If the Division Chair/Program Director grants the appeal, the Division Chair/Program Director must complete a “Grade Change Form” and forward the form to the Registrar, with a copy to the faculty member. If the Division Chair/Program Director denies the appeal, his/her written response to the student must explain why the appeal is being denied. Email will suffice as written correspondence.
    • *** ASN students must submit their grade appeals within seven (7) calendar days of the final grade assignment and must do so using the "Grade Appeal to the Division Chair/Program Director Form" (found on the LDCC website). ASN students will have their grade appeal reviewed by the Nursing Faculty Association's Appeals Committee. The Committee must respond, in writing, within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the appeal***
  3. If the grade has not been resolved through meetings with the faculty member and Division Chair/Program Director, the student may appeal to the Vice Chancellor of Education and Student Services. Appeals to the Vice Chancellor of Education and Student Services must be made using the “Grade Appeal to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Form” and must be submitted within five (5) calendar days of notification from the Division Chair/Program Director that a grade appeal has been denied. The Vice Chancellor of Education and Student Services may meet with the student, Division Chair/Program Director, and/or faculty member. The Vice Chancellor of Education and Student Services must respond, in writing, to student grade appeals within ten (10) calendar days of receipt, notifying the student, faculty member, and Division Chair/Program Director on the correspondence. If the Vice Chancellor grants the appeal, he/she must complete a “Grade Change Form” and forward the form to the Registrar, with a copy to the Division Chair/Program Director and the faculty member. If the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs denies the appeal, his/her written response to the student must explain why the appeal is being denied. Email will suffice as written correspondence. The Vice Chancellor’s decision will be final and binding.

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