Helpful Points
A Cooperative Academic Arrangement is an agreement between a SACSCOC accredited institution and another entity to deliver program content recorded on the SACSCOC institutions transcript as its own.
Notification of initiating program/courses delivered through contractual agreement, or a consortium does not apply to articulation agreements with other institutions, clinical agreements, or internship agreements.
A program that is not closely related to previously approved programs at the institution or site or for the mode of delivery in question. To determine whether a new program is a "significant departure", it is helpful to consider the following questions:
What previously approved program(s) does the institution offer that is closely related to the new program and how are they related?
- Will significant additional equipment or facilities be needed?
- Will significant additional financial resources be needed?
- Will a significant number of new courses be added to the curriculum?
- Will a significant number of new faculty members be required?
- Will significant additional library/learning resources be needed?
A good rule of thumb is increasing or decreasing the number of credit hours/clock hours by 25% or more and increasing the time to degree completion. It's also important to determine if any of the above questions regarding "significant departure" are relevant, such as if 25% of the courses are being replaced, additional equipment, new faculty, or additional library, facilities or financial resources.
SACSCOC must approve all program closures prior to implementation. The written plan must provide equitable treatment of students and must also include the following information:
- Date of closure (date when new students will no longer be admitted)
- An explanation of how affected parties (students, faculty, staff) will be informed of the impending closure
- An explanation of how all affected students will be helped to complete their programs of study with minimal disruption
- An indication as to whether the teach-out plan will incur additional charges/expenses to the students and, if so, how the students will be notified
- Signed copies of teach-out agreements with other institutions if any
- How faculty and staff will be redeployed or helped to find new employment
A Dual Academic Award is an award in which the student receives instruction at two (or more) institutions in prescribed curricula leading to each institution granting academic awards at the same credential level.
A Joint Academic Award is an award in which the student receives instruction at two (or more) institutions in prescribed curricula leading to the institutions granting a single academic award bearing the names, seals, and officials' signatures of each participating institution.
Approval: an official action by the SACSCOC Board of Trustees enabling an institution to implement a proposed substantive change
Branch Campus: an off-campus instruction site additional location geographically apart from the main campus, delivers instructions, independent of the main campus (independent meaning permanent, offers courses leading to degree), has it’s own faculty and administrative or supervisor organization and own budgetary and hiring authority
Closure: ending of instruction in an educational program, at off-campus instructional site, in an educational program at an off-campus instructional site or main campus, method of delivery, an entire institution
Competency-Based Education: method of delivery in which competencies are learned through interaction with faculty and an academic credential is earned based on what students demonstrate they can do
Competency-Based Education by Course/Credit-Based Approach: demonstrating competencies is embedded in a traditional curriculum with courses completed, credits earned, and a credential awarded
Competency-Based Education by Direct Assessment: progression and completion of a master of prescribed competencies
Cooperative Academic Arrangement: agreement between a SACSCOC accredited institution and another entity to deliver program content recorded on the SACSCOC institutions transcript as its own
Correspondence Courses: courses in which students and instructors are not in the same locations and in which instructional materials and learning assessments are delivered electronically or by mail
Distance Education: method of delivery in which the majority of instruction occurs when students and instructors are not in the same location
Dual Academic Award: student receives instruction at two (or more) institutions in prescribed curricula leading to each institution granting academic awards at the same credential level
Face-to-Face Instruction: method of delivery in which the majority of instruction occurs when students and instructors are in the same location
Federal Regulations: rules and regulations of the U.S Department of Education as codified in the Code of Federal Regulation
Geographically Apart: non-contiguous location independent in distance
Joint Academic Award: student receives instruction at two (or more) institutions in prescribed curricula leading to the institutions granting a single academic award bearing the names, seals, and officials' signatures of each participating institution
Method of Delivery: principle method by which instruction is delivered to include competency-based education, distance-education, and face-to-face instruction
Notification: official communication from an institution to SACSCOC as defined in Substantive Change Policy and Procedures
Off-Campus Instructional Site/Additional Location: a location geographically apart from an institution's sole main campus and where instruction is delivered, could qualify as a branch campus
Program: coherent course of study leading to a for-credit credential including a degree, diploma, certificate, or other generally recognized credential
Substantive Change Restriction: additional or different requirements for institutions meeting defined criteria
Teach-Out: process and time period of teach-out plan
Teach-Out Plan: written plan developed by an institution for students to complete their programs of study because it decided to end a program, off-campus instructional site, method of delivery, or to close the institution
Teach-Out Agreement: optional written agreement with an institution or entity under which students covered by a teach-out plan may complete their programs of study
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