About Us

Louisiana Delta Community College is an open-admissions college offering multiple paths to higher education, career, and personal fulfillment.
Whether you are interested in an associate’s degree, a technical certification, or desire to attain your high school equivalency through the HiSET program – we can help you accomplish your goals. In addition, we offer Louisiana transfer associate degrees that allow all program credits to transfer to any Louisiana state college granting you automatic Junior standing. We even offer dual enrollment courses that allow high school students to earn college credit. With so many great options available, it’s easy to see why LDCC is the ideal choice to help you join the workforce or to continue your education.
We pride ourselves on offering a friendly, student-centered learning environment where our students can flourish. While our main campus is located in Monroe, LDCC offers eight campuses in eight different cities throughout northeast Louisiana – providing you with the convenience of attending classes close to home. Campuses are located in: Bastrop, Jonesboro, Lake Providence, Monroe, Ruston, Tallulah, West Monroe and Winnsboro. In addition, we offer the most affordable rates in the region to help lessen the cost of continuing your education.
While we educate and equip you with skills needed for the workforce, we understand how critical it is that we partner with businesses and industries in the communities you seek employment. We invite them to our table to give input regarding the skills they need. They review our curriculums and give suggestions to make our programs even stronger.
We invite you to explore what LDCC has to offer on your way towards professional and personal growth.
Louisiana Delta Community College
Inspiring Minds. Transforming Lives. Building Futures.
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