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Return of Title IV Funds

Students who receive Title IV financial aid will be subject to the Return of Title IV Funds Policy if they withdraw before completing 60% of the semester in which they were disbursed Title IV financial aid.

The Return of Title IV Funds Policy calculates the student’s percentage of earned aid by using the following formula: The pro-rated percentage of earned aid = number of calendar days attended/number of calendar days in the enrollment period.

The number of calendar days attended is calculated by counting from the first day of the semester to the student’s official withdrawal date. The number of calendar days in the semester is calculated by counting from the first calendar day of the semester/summer session to the last calendar day of the semester/summer session. Weekends and holidays are included in the number of calendar days. Excluded are scheduled breaks of five days or more AND days that the student was on an approved leave of absence.

Students who stop attending classes and do not officially resign from LDCC will also be subject to this policy. The students last day of attendance will be based on the last day of attendance as reported by the student’s instructor(s). Students who are awarded financial aid and withdraw from their classes, officially or unofficially, will be required to pay back all or a portion of the financial aid they receive.

Return of Title IV Funds Policy/Withdrawing from Classes

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